Annual staff training day

July 19, 2022 by Donald Insall Associates

Last month, our team enjoyed our annual training away day which took place at Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick. There’s one rule for our away day – the venue has to be one of our current or past projects. This year, Messenger BCR, delivered a series of traditional skills workshops so the team could get hands-on with everything from collyweston slating, timber-oak faming and joining, to lime plastering! You can see from the photos that the workshops were a big hit!


Our training days are important for many reasons; they’re an opportunity for every employee at Insalls to meet up with other colleagues from our nine offices across the UK, and also to have the opportunity to try something new.

We work with many historic buildings; our team are experts in how to preserve these buildings through conservation, repair and creative reuse. Having the opportunity to get hands on with traditional building techniques enables us to deepen our understanding of these crafts as well as appreciate the possibilities they create for the sites we conserve/ develop.





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We have studios in London, Bath, Birmingham, Chester, Conwy, Manchester, Oxford and York.