Donhead House

Donhead St Andrew, Wiltshire

Donhead House is a handsome Grade II listed building with a complicated history. A house existed on the site in the 17th century, although nothing above ground now exists thereof. In the early 18th century the house was rebuilt and then saw subsequent phases of alteration in the late 18th century, early 19th century and late 19th century; each phase has added something of interest to this palimpsest. Donald Insall Associates has a dual role: our Historic Building Consultancy team has carried out detailed research in order to understand and explain the history and phases of alteration, whilst our conservation architects are providing advice on the physical changes and restoration of the building.

Working alongside Archer Humphryes as lead architects and Philip Joseph as interior designers, we will be seeking listed building consent for an ambitious programme of work which seeks to repair, restore, refurbish and reimagine this building for the 21st century.

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