Capel Peniel
Mae Capel Peniel yn Gapel Rhestredig Gradd I yn Nhremadog, Gwynedd, gydag wyneb clasurol wedi’i ddylanwadu gan Eglwys St Pauls, Covent Garden. Mae’r Capel hefyd wedi cael clod am ddylanwadu pensaernïaeth Capeli Cymraeg diweddarach cafodd eu hadeiladu mewn arddull glasurol.
Penodwyd Insall yn 2016 i gynnal gwaith atgyweirio argyfwng i do’r capel cyfan, oedd wedi ymostwng i ollyngiadau a gwaith maen rhydd. Roedd atgyweiriad y to – wedi’i gwblhau ochr yn ochr gydag arbenigwyr ac adeiladwyr lleol – yn cynnwys atgyweiriadau unfath, cwrs gostyngol ar hap, copin llechi newydd ar hyd y talcen blaen, atgyweirio ac ailosod cydrannau strwythurol pren ac ailosod nwyddau dwr glaw haearn bwrw.
Cafodd cronfeydd eu diogelu gan yr HLF a Cadw yn haf 2019 i gynnal gwaith ail gam yr atgyweiriadau ac ailaddurno, y tro hwn i’r talog. Roedd y gwaith yn cynnwys plygiadau plwm newydd i silff y talog, atgyfnerthiad ac ailaddurno i ffenest y talog ac atgyweiriad plastr cyffredin i’r talog ac wyneb portico. Cafodd y gwaith ei gwblhau yn yr Hydref ac yn 2020 cafodd cronfeydd ychwanegol eu diogelu er mwy cwblhau gwaith pellach tu mewn i’r Capel.
Capel Peniel is a Grade I listed chapel in Tremadog, Gwynedd, with a classical frontage influenced by St Pauls Church, Covent Garden. It has also been credited with influencing the architecture of later Welsh chapels also built in a classical style.
Insall was appointed in 2016 to carry out emergency repairs to the entire roof of the chapel, which had succumbed to leakages and falling masonry. The roof repairs– carried out alongside specialist local contractors– featured like-for-like repairs, random diminishing courses, brand-new slate copings along the front gable end, repair and replacement of structural timber members and replacement of cast-iron rainwater goods.
Funds from the HLF and Cadw were secured in the summer of 2019 to carry out a second phase of repairs and redecoration, this time to the Pediment. The works consisted of new lead flashings to the pediment cill, reinforcement and redecoration of the pediment window and general plaster repairs to the pediment and the remainder of the portico frontage. Completion was reached in the autumn with additional funds secured in early 2020 for further internal works.

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