Architecture: Historic Buildings

Conservation architecture is the creative process of looking after a building or place so as to retain its special qualities, remedy its defects, and secure its future vitality. The process begins by understanding a building or place thoroughly; this means researching and analysing its materials, construction, history, purpose, function and aesthetic qualities. Given that the understanding of what is special about a building or place changes over time, the aim of most conservation architecture should be the preservation of as much historic fabric as possible, while undertaking the interventions necessary to secure continued use.

Historic buildings embody energy, both in the conventional sense of natural resources, but also in representing the endeavours of the clients, architects, engineers, craftspeople and labourers who first created them. We believe that change is continuous, and that buildings are ‘alive’. We take a pragmatic approach: we carefully consider the risks and benefits of intervention, and work with our clients to pursue the art of the possible while remaining committed to the inherent value of conservation architecture.

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