Heritage Consultancy

Donald Insall Associates offers a dedicated Historic Buildings and Townscape Consultancy to advise clients on development in the historic environment and townscape impacts. Established for over twenty years, our team provides creative and practical advice, based on thorough research and our substantial experience.

The team comprises architects, historians, former conservation and design officers and Historic England inspectors. We discover what is special about a building or place, identify opportunities for change, guide interventions, and provide advice throughout the planning process. Our reports, advice and negotiation skills help to unlock sites for development and are instrumental in helping clients adapt their sites and buildings for modern needs.

We provide vital input to feasibility and masterplan studies, Heritage Statements for listed building consent and planning applications, Conservation Management Plans, Townscape and Visual Impact Assessments (TVIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) chapters, as well as expert witness services.

The Consultancy’s expertise is trusted by a diverse range of clients, including several landed estates, namely The Crown, Grosvenor, Pollen, Portman and Cadogan estates, charities including the National Trust, NHS Trusts, local authorities cultural institutions including The Royal Opera House, the Museum of London, National Museums Liverpool and the Science Museum Group, several University of Oxford colleges, major retailers and developers, and individual owners of listed buildings.


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