Oldham Town Centre Conservation Area CMP
The key purpose of this project has been to provide a firm understanding of the heritage values of the conservation area through the production of an illustrated interactive Appraisal with mapping and a gazetteer. This has underpinned our development of the Management Plan which addresses each of the key issues and challenges and, in turn, providing guidance and policy on how these can be addressed. These include the reuse of vacant heritage assets, design guidance for the retail frontage and potential avenues the Council can take in terms of enforcement and funding.
Key to this project has been working in tandem with the Oldham project team and stakeholder engagement with consultation with groups including Historic England, Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service, Oldham Civic Society, Theatres Trust and the Victorian Society alongside other local interest groups including the Youth Council.
The ultimate goal of the adopted Supplementary Planning Document is to provide opportunities to enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and generally uplift Oldham in terms of its identity and people’s engagement with their historic environment – alongside the preservation of the heritage assets themselves.
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